Class Forname in Java Example

Create object/instance of class by name using Class.forName in java (examples)

  • Given an application in java.
  • We would like to create the instance of classes by specifying class name.
  • Instances of the class Class represent classes and interfaces in a running Java application.
  • We will get the reference of loaded class using Class.forName("Complete path of a class")
    • And then, we can create instance of loaded class.
  • Class Class does not have any public constructor.
    • Instead Class objects are constructed automatically by the Java Virtual Machine as classes are loaded.

1. What is purpose of Class.forName method?

  1. Class loader of an applications loads all classes.
  2. Class.forName returns the reference of Class objects for specified class name (Class loaded in step 1).
  3. We can created the instance of a class by using reference returned in step 2.

2. Examples: create object/instance of class by name (Class.forName/java)

  1. We generally create of the instances of JDBC drivers by proving complete path of driver.
    • e.g. Class<?> sqlDriver = Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver");
  2. Let us look into the very simple example to create the instance of class ArrayList using class Class.
    1. Class<?> loadClass = Class.forName("java.util.ArrayList");
    2. ArrayList<String> arrayList = (ArrayList<String>) loadClass.newInstance();
    3. arrayList.add("Item 0");
    4. arrayList.add("Item 1");
  3. We will demonstrate various examples of class Class.
    1. We will create instance of Standard JDK class like ArrayList.
    2. We will create the instance thread in java using class Class.
    3. Create instance of User defined classes.
      1. We will create couple of custom classes.
      2. We will create their instance of custom classes using class Class.
      3. We will create objects USCitizen & SwissCitizen classes using newInstance() method.

create class forname java example

Fig 1: User defined objects

3. Program: create object/instance of class by name (Class.forName/java)

1. Citizen interface:

  • Citizen interface defines the couple of methods.
  • We will create couple of concrete class like USCitizen & SwissCitizen to implement Citizen interface.
package org.learn;  public interface Citizen {     void nationality();     void identity(); }              

2. USCitizen class:

  • USCitizen class implements Citizen interface.
  • Complete code of USCitizen class is as follows:
package org.learn;  import java.util.Random; import java.util.UUID;  public class USCitizen implements Citizen {      public void nationality() {         System.out.println("I am US Citizen");     }      public void identity() {         Random random = new Random();         random.nextInt();         System.out.println("My identification number : "+random.nextInt());      } }              

3. SwissCitizen class:

  • SwissCitizen class implements Citizen interface.
  • Complete code of SwissCitizen class is as follows:
package org.learn;  import java.util.UUID;  public class SwissCitizen implements Citizen {       public void nationality() {         System.out.println("I am Switzerland Citizen");     }      public void identity() {         System.out.println("My identification number : "+UUID.randomUUID().toString());     } }              

4. MyThread class:

  • We will create concrete  thread class extending from JDK Thread class.
  • Complete code of MyThread class is as follows:
package org.learn;  public class MyThread extends Thread {      @Override     public void run() {          System.out.println("Thread started :");         int index = 0;         while (index++ < 10) {             System.out.println("Iteration "+ index);              try {                 Thread.sleep(300);             } catch (InterruptedException e) {                 break;             }         }         System.out.println("Thread executed successfully");     }  }

5. DemoForClassName class:

  • We will take 3 examples to demonstrate Class.forName concept.
    • Example 1: demoJDKClasses
      • Create the instance of standard JDK class ArrayList
    • Example 2: demoUserDefinedObjects
      • We will create objects of User defined classes.
        • USCitizen class implementing Citizen class.
        • SwissCitizen class implementing Citizen class.
    • Example 3: demoCreateThread
      • We will create custom thread class by extending Thread class.
  • The complete code of DemonForClassName class is as follows:
package org.learn;  import java.util.ArrayList;  public class DemoForClassName {      public static void main(String[] args) throws IllegalAccessException,             InstantiationException, ClassNotFoundException, InterruptedException {          System.out.println("1. Start Invoking methods of ArrayList class");          //Demo Standard JDK class like Integer         demoJDKClasses();          System.out.println("2. End invoke methods of ArrayList class");         System.out.println();          System.out.println("3. Start - Create user defined (Citizen) objects ");         //Demo to custom user defined objects         demoUserDefinedObjects();         System.out.println("4. End -  Create user defined (Citizen) objects ");         System.out.println();          System.out.println("5. Create thread in java using class.forName");         //Invoke methods of thread class in java         demoCreateThread();         System.out.println("6. End creating thread using class.forName");     }      private static void demoJDKClasses() throws ClassNotFoundException,             IllegalAccessException, InstantiationException {          //Load ArrayList class         Class<?> loadClass = Class.forName("java.util.ArrayList");          //Create instance of ArrayList class         ArrayList arrayList = (ArrayList) loadClass.newInstance();          arrayList.add("Item 0");         arrayList.add("Item 1");          //Print attributes of ArrayList class         System.out.printf("Items in arrayList : %s, size  : %d\n",                 arrayList.toString(), arrayList.size());      }       private static void demoUserDefinedObjects() throws ClassNotFoundException,             IllegalAccessException, InstantiationException {          System.out.println("3.1 Invoke methods of USCitizen class");          //Load USCitizen class         Class<?> loadClass = Class.forName("org.learn.USCitizen");          //Create instance of USCitizen class         Citizen citizen = (Citizen) loadClass.newInstance();          //Invoke method of class         citizen.nationality();         citizen.identity();          System.out.println();         System.out.println("3.2 Invoke methods of SwissCitizen class");          //Load Swiss Citizen class         loadClass = Class.forName("org.learn.SwissCitizen");          //Create instance of Swiss citizen class         citizen = (Citizen) loadClass.newInstance();          //Invoke method of class         citizen.nationality();         citizen.identity();     }      private static void demoCreateThread() throws ClassNotFoundException,             IllegalAccessException, InstantiationException, InterruptedException {          //Load MyThread class         Class<?> loadClass = Class.forName("org.learn.MyThread");          //Create instance of Thread class         Thread thread = (Thread) loadClass.newInstance();         //Start thread         thread.start();         //Wait for completion of thread execution         thread.join();     } }              

4. Output: create object/instance of class by name (Class.forName/java)

1. Start Invoking methods of ArrayList class Items in arrayList : [Item 0, Item 1], size  : 2 2. End invoke methods of ArrayList class  3. Start - Create user defined (Citizen) objects  3.1 Invoke methods of USCitizen class I am US Citizen My identification number : -1165991133  3.2 Invoke methods of SwissCitizen class I am Switzerland Citizen My identification number : 86a5b53d-ac52-426f-a494-987d2ad69eac 4. End -  Create user defined (Citizen) objects   5. Create thread in java using class.forName Thread started : Iteration 1 Iteration 2 Iteration 3 Iteration 4 Iteration 5 Iteration 6 Iteration 7 Iteration 8 Iteration 9 Iteration 10 Thread executed successfully 6. End creating thread using class.forName              

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